FJC’s Agency Loan Fund invests donors’ philanthropic capital in loans that advance critical work of our partners on the ground. As of December 31, 2019, the Agency Loan Fund capital pool represents $67 million in assets. Loans committed in 2019 included the following:
Communities Resist borrowed $1 million to jump start anti-eviction programs for low-income tenants in Brooklyn…The Doe Fund borrowed $1 Million for working capital to support their mission to break cycles of homelessness, addiction and criminal recidivism…Eden II borrowed $1.5 million for the purchase of a group home in Staten Island for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder…Jewish Family Service Agency of NJ borrowed $370,000 to bridge government contract receivables so they can provide social and health services to families…Lantern Group borrowed $1.5 million to bridge contract receivables to enable them to serve formerly homeless individuals and families…Ohel Children’s Home & Family Services borrowed $1.2 million for the purchase and renovation of a group home for developmentally disabled individuals…Older Adults Technology Services borrowed $1 million to bridge public sector contract receivables to fund a technology training programs for older adults…Pro Mujer borrowed $200,000 to make microloans to foster economic development for low-income women in Latin America… Public Media Group borrowed $4 million to finance the purchase and development of an infrastructure platform for next-generation broadcasting format to be used with their affiliated public television networks